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CONCEIVED OF IN 2003 BY JON HANNA as a fundraiser to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the discovery of the psychoactive effects of LSD, this beautiful blotter acid art was created by artist Stevee Postman and printed with soy-based inks onto 7.5 X 7.5-inch sheets of hemp-blend paper, each of which was perforated into 900 quarter-inch "hits". A limited edition of 60 were signed and numbered by the inventor of LSD, Dr. Albert Hofmann; proceeds from their sales raised over $150,000 for the non-profit organizations Erowid Center and the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. One of these sheets of art—referred to by Hanna as "The Legends of LSD" sheet, due to the additional autographs he collected onto it from Stanislav Grof, Ralph Metzner, Myron Stolaroff, and Nick Sand—raised a donation for Erowid of $10,000; at the time, this was the highest price for which a piece of signed blotter art had been known to sell. Since then, the suggested donation amount incrementally increased as the remaining available prints dwindled in number, with the final prints being made available by Erowid at the $50,000 donation level. The edition is now sold out.


Blotter art is a unique form of contemporary folk art--the "baseball card" for the psychedelic drug enthusiast. Timothy Leary signed over a thousand pieces of blotter. While he was alive, such art sold for around $100.00 a sheet; since his death, they often sell for over $600.00 each. Clearly when autographed by members of the entheocognoscenti, such art holds a respectable value for collectors of fine art prints.


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